Zima (winter) 2009/2010 (Slovensko-Stará Bystrica) TOYOTA Land Cruiser LJ 70 2,4 TD BFG MT 33x10,5 R15 TOYOTA Land Cruiser KZJ 70 3,0TD BFG AT 31x10,5 R15
TOYOTY◆ Lift up ◆ Overfender ◆ DIFF-LOCK ◆ Rear cross-country bumper ◆ RECARO seat ◆ Snorkel ◆ Original DVD navi/CD/MD ◆ RAGUNA aluminum wheel ◆ VIPER security system ◆ HID headlight ※ I carry a lot of photographs in the following URL ⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊…
MOV03863rumbröseln in der Kiesgrube
Land, Cruiser, landcruiser, Iltis, Offroadmenšie pojazdenie 24-4-2010 na Starej Bystrici
kzj, 70I hope you find this helpful. Sorry about the text across the video - the camera I borrowed recorded in mp4 and I wanted to get it on movie maker, but there was no way I was paying for a conversion! Any questions, leave a message. Jim.
Toyota, Landcruiser, LJ71, LJ78, KZJ71, KZJ78, light duty, 70 series, electric hubs, remedyOff road Land Cruiser Prado 70 Series 78, from Mongolia
from Mongolia01' Toyota Landcruiser 4.2 LX HZJ76V / トヨタ ランクル70 ななまる ランドクルーザー
01', Toyota, Landcruiser, 4.2, LX, HZJ76V, トヨタ, ランクル70Şile Alacalı ISTANBUL
Toyota, LJ, 70, 4x4, Land, Cruiser, offroad, emircek, funläjä mutaspoorissa, tml trophy 2008
finland offroad, mudLJ, 70, rieka
TT na serra. Com áudio por Primal. www.myspace.com
TT, Primal, Land, cruiser, todo-terreno, toyota, kzj70, vx, 3000Mio fratello si diverte a collaudare l'assetto del suo fuoristrada.
4x4, offroad, fuoristrada, toyota, land, cruiser, lx70, preparato, estremo, jeep今は無きランクル70! やっぱえーのー・・・ 今の車もめっちゃえーけんど。。。