- animated demonstration of the Subaru Boxer Turbo Diesel engine.
Subaru, Boxer, Turbo, Diesel, Engine, タービンをリビルト交換しました(保証付)。タイミングベルト以外のベルトも交換済みです。magical gearの車両はとても少ないので、是非この機会に。
ダイハツ, ネイキッド, ターボ, 660ccImagine you're PARAPLEGIC, this space is made for your ride. Do you see these spaces that were made for "disabled persons" now unmarked? Your custom automobile made to give your freedom. Retrofitted with the automatic ramp that safely supports you, y…
cheryl johnson life, encouraging, fearless, true, music, reason, faith, force, right, wrong, moral, mind, thinking, intelligent, independent, choose, fight, given, bold, contentfrontan side impact
Crash, Test, 2004-2006, Daihatsu, Sirion, /, Boon, w/sab, Euroncap