The TVR Cerbera Speed 12, originally known as the Project 7/12, was a high performance concept car designed by TVR in 1997. Based in part on then-current ...
Here is the Devil's car. There's only one of these and it's too powerful for almost any road or track. Back in 1998, TVR was dreaming.
It's been a long road since the Cerbera Speed 12 first fell on public eyes at the Motor ... The ultimate TVR - The ultimate super car. The Cerbera Speed 12! ...
800 BHP TVR being unloaded off the truck, warmed up then revved up. Great sound at the end!
Jan 5, 2008 ... TVR's greatest mythical beast - the mighty Speed Twelve out of captivity...
TVR Cerbera Speed 12 0-60 mph in 2.9 seconds over 240 mph top speed from the car with a power output yet unknown. and why is that you wonder because it ...
Information on the Tvr Cerbera Speed 12, view photos and pictures, performance specifications, prices, 0-60 times, top speed and more. ...
The ultimate TVR would run the full-house 800bhp engine and cost £245000, and the now badged Cerbera Speed 12 was ready in 2000.Deposits began to pile up, ...