Restored NSU found at Ponte Chiasso (Italy) in front of the post office. Owner was very proud to tell me about the restoration he has done to the car. And now it looks like it get out of factory a day before!!!
car, oldtimer, auto, d'epoca, nsu, restored, vecchia, oldNsu, 1200c
NSU 1200 C Rallycross Baujahr 1968 beim 2. HMC-ADAC Bergpreis Travering 21.06.2009
NSU, 1200, Rallycross, 2., HMC, Bergpreis, TraveringWollt ihr meinen Rallye Traum sehen? Dan klickt einfach auf meinen Kanal und lehnt euch zurück. Das Video spielt sofort ab. Viel Spaß wünscht Sammy
NSU, Cars, Rally Oldtimer, Stadtparkrennen-Hamburg, Race, racing, Sound, engine, drift, driftingNsu, 1200, TT
to chyba najdłuższa trasa( ponad 1km).. jaką zrobił na kołach od 89 roku :)
nsu, prinz, 1200, typ110, 1200cNSU Prinz in der C&A Werbung
NSU, Prinz, 1000c, Neckarsulm, AudiMooie NSU 1200TT op Concours de élégance 31-08-2008
NSU, 1200TT, Concours, de, élégance, autoTratto da "Il figlio dello sceicco" del 1978. Commedia come nello stile di Bruno Corbucci con un Tomas Milian sempre più "ROMANO" Mitico è l'inseguimento in questa scena, oggi sui nostri schermi non se ne vedono più.
Tomas, Milian, as, roma, romanista, NSU, Prinz, 1000TT, 1200, Bo, Svenson, Kirsten, Gille, il, figlio, dello, sceicco, Andrea, Aureli, Roberto, Messina, Giancarlo, Badessi, Marcello, Verziera, Martana, Mimmo, Poli, Salvatore, Billa, Clemente, Ukmar, Giuliano, Sestili, Nello, Pazzafini, Mario, Donatone, Simone, Santovidéo très courte ( mais quel engouement !!! ) du départ de Jacky MOLET et de José COTHENET en NSU 1200 TT au rallye de Monte Carlo Historique 2009. Ils termineront à la 153 ème place. Félicitations à nos ré à l'année prochaine , qui sait…
NSU, Monte, Carlo, Reims, 2009, rallye, historiqueValjevo, Danilo, Bojan, Marko, Ika
nsu, 1200, tt
My 1965 NSU Sport Prinz on it's way home After starting it up for the first time ( at a friend's garage (Thanks Udi!)
1965, NSU, Sport, PrinzBildsequenzen NSU Treffen am 07.08.2010 in Bad Sassendorf, Anlass 30 Jahre NSU Prinz IG von 1980 eV
nsu ig 30 jahre 2010 08 07, NSU Treffen, NSU Prinz IG, NSU Prinz, NSU Lambretta, NSU Typ 110, NSU 1200C, NSU 1000, NSU Quickly, NSU SzeneNSU princ old timer
NSU, PRINC, Dražice, Kuki, Marek, OgradicaNSU Prinzegarden 2009 in Neckarsulm, 50 Jaar NSU Prinz.
NSUMooie klanken uit een NSU 1200 TT Spaghetti spruitstuk
Video0037Start des NSU TT bei der Württembergischen Classic in Prien am Chiemsee
NSU TT, NSU, TT, 1200 TT, RO 80, Prinz, NSU Prinz, Württembergische Classichenning mit sein nsu prinz
heuteThe is myself and my friend Simon testing the clutch less Saxomat shifting of my NSU 1200. It kinda works now but it's VERY touchy! The rest of the car is in excellent shape but the lack of parts and my lack of German language skills make it very dif…
Saxomat, Sportomatic, Hycomat, Hydrak