autoAnother 1 for Team ill... Street Warzz!!
toyota, 4age, 20v, itb, ae86, silver, top, corolla, trueno, sprinter, levin, rwd, engine, sr5, ae85, ae101, ae111, black, pinoy, bzr, bzg, aelllTo much wheel spin and sorry about the terrible change to 2nd. This car is a 1.6 litre, blacktop, ae111, 6 speed......Still it's a little beast :) only Mods exhaust and Green filter cold air intake come on a stock 1.6 litre little milk motor thats pr…
1997, toyota, trueno, levin, AE111, BZR, 0-100, Blacktop, 4age, 1.6, 20valveTook my mech about 1 months to get this baby into my LE and its now running without exhaust. Enjoy the sound straight from the 4-2-1. Btw, that cricket sound is actually caused by the engine breather.
AE111, 20V, Blacktop, Toyota, LE