On board with Paul Plant on his 4th ever lap of the nurburgring nordschliefe and GP in a standard production 1.5 alfasud in qualifying for the eifelrennen 300km Race. Ends in a brush with the barrier after going off on oil.
alfa romeo, alfa sud, alfasud, arca, eifelrennen, race car, Nurburgring, nordschliefe, ringDas neue Schmuckstück!
Alfa, Romeo, Alfasud, Boxer, Sound, Supersprint, Exhaust, Tistroj
alfa, romeo, alfasud, 1.5, TIÖkörködés jégen
alfa, romeo, sprint, alfasud, sudsprint, boxerJust cruising on a highway just to clean the Dellortos at full throttle.
Alfasud sprint, veloce, QV, boxer, 1.5 ti, Sprint, 33, Alfisti, alfaowner, GreekImagem, 018
alfasud alfa sprint 1980 origineel 1.5 whit 1.7 16v with kdfi (megasquirt)
fast, is, not, in, ofJust a few pics of the restoration
Alfa Romeo, Alfasud, Sprint, Veloce, Boxer, Alex, Lima, Peru1.5QV de 1983....
alfasud, sprint, 1.5QV, alfa, 1.5Sgasate al raduno dei falchi delle murge...
Alfasud, Sprint, 1.5, My, 1978alfasud sprint veloce , saliendo del taller con motor reparado
alfa, romeo, sprint, veloce, rojo, motor, cilindros, tubo, de, escape, velocidadMessa in moto.... ore 8 cira del 03/06/2007 partenza per un raduno a Minervino Murge.. la Sprint è partita con mezzo giro di chiave.... che motore....... :-)
auto, motor, sportSnimano mobitelom, ali ajde...
alfa, sprintParking...
alfa, sprint, parkingalfa, romeo, sprint
alfa, romeo, sprint, alfasud, boxer, sudsprint