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Ford Corsair 2000E

Ford corsair 2000E 1st run.mp4
Ford corsair 2000E 1st run.mp4

Took the 2000E out for its first run after restoring it and rebuilding the engine.

ambulance, high rev engine, high speed, classic cars, engines, stunt, driving
ford corsair disconected exhaust
ford corsair disconected exhaust

here we have a ford corsair 2000e with a disconected exhaust cold start

v4, corsair
Ford Corsair
Ford Corsair

Ford Corsair & TR3A touring around Exmoor
Ford Corsair & TR3A touring around Exmoor

A friends TR3A on a Sunday drive around Exmoor

Exmoor, Ford, Triumph, automobiles
Corsair 2000E picture
Designer unknown
Year 1965

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