Galactic Federation Of Light Wanderer of the Skies May 24 2011
Description Greetings from the Federation: We have oft been tempted to reveal all "back room" dealings that go on, both in the furtherance of disclosure and those that would harm you, but discretion is the better part of valor, as they say, and we have, and will, continue to withhold such information where we deem it necessary to further the cause. Where we can, however, we will allow a glimpse into what is happening behind the scenes so that you get a better understanding of what is taking place on this issue. For instance, there are those among the power elite who are not who they seem to be, despite a normal appearance. They work tirelessly for disclosure and all that it signals for the future of mankind.
Galactic, Federation, Of, Light, Wanderer, the, Skies, May, 24, 2011
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