BMW 320i (E90) - Instrument Cluster Test


How to perform the instrument cluster test via OBD, for dummies 1. Press and hold trip reset button. 2. Still holding that button, insert the key. 3. When the display shows ' 01._ _ ', let go of the button. 4. Without waiting, quickly tap the button one time, ' 02._ _ KI TEST ' should appear. 4.1. But if you were too slow, it will display ' 01.00 ' instead. Don't worry, just hold the button until it shows as in 3. 5. When the display shows as in 4., hold the button for 1 second and then release, you'll see ' 02.00 '. 6. Tap it one time. 7. ??? 8. PROFIT!!! Hope you enjoy the show. Car | 2006 BMW 320i (E90), 2.0L 150PS, all vanilla Recording Device | Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-S90, video mode Video Alteration | Cuts, Resized to 320x240


BMW, E90, 3-Series, OBC, Instrument, Cluster, Test, Thailand

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