Trailer Wiring Harness Installation - 2007 Chrysler Pacifica -
Description Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information. Today we are going to be installing wiring harness part number 118303 on a 2007 Chrysler Pacifica. Okay, we are at the rear of the vehicle, and we are going to go ahead and locate the attaching points for our wiring harness. The attaching points are actually located directly behind the tail lights. So the first thing we need to do is go ahead and remove both of those. To do that, we just need to remove the two screws here on the inboard side, and then we will just pull the tail light assembly away. Okay, and with the tail light assembly removed, you can see right here, this is the connection point where we are going to be plugging our T-harness in line. So you want to go ahead and disconnect these two. First you need to take this red push tab, slide it over, and pull the two pieces apart. Then we are going to take our wiring harness and we are going to start by feeding the connector here, with the green and white wires - we are actually going to drop that down into the hole in between the bumper and the body of the vehicle. And that is actually going to be routed over to the passenger's side. And we are also going to feed the 4-pole down through the same opening. And that is going to leave our Modulite box, our power wire, and our set of connectors with the yellow and red and brown wires over here on the driver's side. We want to go <b>...</b>
Keywords, 118303, wire, wiring, harness, install, installation, t-1, one, connecter, connector, 2007, chrysler, pacifica, chrysler 2007, tow, ready
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