A paean to the humble but mighty Slant Six Valiant, in 60's ad art style. Legend has it that the Slant Six engine was a venerable mid-bore six cylinder truck and tractor engine redesigned to fit under the new lower profile car hoods of the mid 50s. That diagonal slice of retro tech was often combined with a state of the art pushbutton transmission. Paradoxically, both old-tech and new usually worked brilliantly and the Valiant and its twin cousin, the Dodge Dart, were among the most reliable cars made between the early 60s and mid 70s. You can out more about one blue nine the band website/blog: www.onebluenine.com
one blue nine, Valiant, Slant Six, Plymouth, Mad Ave, mad men, reliable, workhorse, six cylinder, dependable, rusty, vinyl, roof, four, door, Dodge, Dart, Chrysler