CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner


Introducing the ORIGINAL CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner. Stop using aggressive chemicals to clean sensitive MAF sensors! If you've got a dirty mass air flow sensor your car isn't driving to its full potential. Pollen, dust particles and soot can build up and burn onto MAF sensor hot-wires causing incorret measurements of air flow and mass. In most cases the air/fuel ratio will run rich with fuel resulting in sputtering, hard-starting, stalling, excess emissions, wasted fuel, power loss and even automatic transmission shifting problems. Oil can also build up on the wires, especially from over-oiled reusable air filter. Oil travels directly from the air filter onto the MAF hot-wires causing faulty read-outs. With no arternative many technicians and DIY'ers are using aggressive chemicals like brake, carburetor and air-intake cleaners to clean fragile MAF hot-wires and housings. These chemicals can cause serious and expensive damage to sensitive equipment, especially plastic. Finally, the right product for the job! CRC Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner safely and easily cleans the MAF hot-wires and electrical components without damage to the wires or plastic housing. The whole job should take less than 10 minutes! Safely Cleans & Protects MAF Sensors PLASTIC SAFE & Leaves No Residue Increases Horsepower Decreases Hesitation & Pinging Improves Fuel Economy & MPG Reduces Rough Idle Part number 5110 Ask your sales rep for more details today.


CRC, Mass, Air, Flow, Sensor, Cleaner, Plastic, Horsepower, Metropolitan, Supply, Metro, Automotive, Car, Parts, Chemicals

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