My 90 Gallon Reef Tank - Updates/transitions


Another video of my 90 gallon tank after it went through some changes early 2011... Equipment: Lighting unit contains (2) 250W 10K Metal Halides and (4) 54W T5 Actinic lights with (14) 1W Blue Led moonlights (2) 1300GPH Powerheads 30 gallon DIY sump/refugium - refugium section holds approx. 10 gallons 120+ lbs of live rock between the display/sump-refugium 100+ lbs of live sand Chaetomorpha Macro algae (with a few strands of Caulerpa I'm trying to weed out before it takes over) (1) Clamp light with an Energy Saver 6500K Lightbulb for refugium on a reverse lighting cycle Odyssea PS 160 Protein Skimmer with Fishing line impeller mod 500GPH return pump with ball valve DIY Auto-top off system Livestock: FISH: Female Maroon Clown 3 Female Lyretail Antias (1 is transitioning to Male.. started after one day in the tank) 1 Yellow-tail Damsel 1 Blue-sided Fairy Wrasse INVERTS: 2 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Peppermint Shrimp 1 Maxima Clam 1 Rose Bubble Tip Anemone 1 Serpent Star (Hitchhiked into my tank on a pagoda coral) 1 Large Sea Hare 1 Black Sea Cucumber Lots of small snails(Astria and Nassarius) and hermit crabs CORALS: 2 Brown Millipora Acro Frags 1 Neon Green Monti Cap Frag 1 Red Monti Cap Frag 1 Purple/Blue Pagoda Cup Coral LOTS of Green Button Polyps All photos/video taken with my HTC EVO 4G!


Mendota, IL, Illinois, Reef, Aquarium, DIY, Do, it, yourself, sump, refugium, odyssea, PS160, Protein, Skimmer, Algae, Macro, Chaetomorpha, Cheato, Chaeto, Corals, Anemone, RBTA, Rose, Bubble, Tip, Maroon, Clown, Fish, Nemo, Marlin, Dori, Saltwater, HTC, EVO, 4G

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