Wimp Jumps Ship ------------- Costa Concordia Narcissist Ego Loser Scum


Coward Men Should be Men of Chivalry. What a Wimp to Jump Ship. What is wrong with this male Captain Schettino with the Blonde. It's just not nice Francesco! - Concordia Costa Ship Captain Flirting, Chivalry Gone! He's not a real man. Cruise ship sinking and the women and children are there suffering when that jerk narcissist tried to save his own life. Women stand strong, that man should have drowned. We deserve justice for this idiot. He should have made the ultimate sacrifice. Let's return to chivalry because we deserve his protection. He is such a ridiculous, shameless loser scum, he's disgusting, a coward, he has no respect for women and children, he should have protected her, real men protect her. Captain Coward Francesco Schettino is the example of lack of trust. Dishonored in China. Disgraced in Japan. Laughed at in Italy. Salty penis in Russia. Filipina and Blonde women say the same. His ego, he personally is the reason women make less money. It's not fair! Men have penises and we don't, so they are all egomaniac freaks that are filled with bull, boohoo, it's not fair, they get all the perks, and sex is only for men. Male creatures are worthless hogs that abandon ship and hang with blonde ho bags. Racist Captain! CHISINAU — A young mystery woman named as a key witness over the role of the captain in the crash of the Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia has strongly defended Francesco Schettino's actions, saying he saved thousands of lives. Blonde ballerina Domnica <b>...</b>


Evil, Narcissist, scum, loser, asshole, wimp, egotistical, bastard, chivalry, beast, Fotter, Gender, ego, narcissism, disorder, self-centered, stupid, penis, idiot, fat

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