BMW 5 Series Sedan Heritage


While the sixth generation naturally follows the great heritage of its predecessors, its roots go back much further. As early as in the 1960s, BMW developed a strong and distinctive profile as a manufacturer of sporting but elegant, powerful and technically innovative midrange four-door sedans. Introducing a four-door notchback body, engines fitted lengthwise at the front, rear-wheel drive and an elaborate suspension, BMW established a classical principle at the time which remains highly attractive and fully endorsed to this very day.


BMW, Series, Sedan, Heritage, 520, 520i, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, generation, Saloon, Limousine, berlina, седан, 轿车, berline, 세단형, 자동차, セダン, E12, 518, 528i, E28, E34, E39, E60, F10, midsize, Driving, Fahrszenen, Conducción, Управлять, Exterior, Außen, esterno, экстерьер, classic, vehicle, car, auto, Fahren, Entraînement, Het, drijven, 外部, extérieur, 외부, voiture, कार, автомобиль, coche, carro, factory, history, de, conducere, 1972, 2011, 1982, 1988, 1995, 2003

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