CHEVY COBALT SS @ INSIDELINE.COM: We come to our first serious corner on Glendora Mountain Road, and the 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS Coupe delivers the unexpected. It turns into a tight left-hander with the haste and hunger of an import sport compact. Perhaps most surprising of all, it gives the impression of being happy to do it. Instead of savoring the moment, we get back on the throttle. We hear the euphoric sigh of the turbocharger, followed by a throbbing exhaust note out the back. The sounds are distinct even to the distracted ear, and they refuse to harmonize. It's an old-school touch in a car full of new-school kit, and you realize there's quite a bit going on with the 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS. It's an odd feeling, because with that familiar Chevy face and Pro Stock-size rear wing, you wonder if you're getting behind the wheel of last year's car. But give this 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt SS Coupe an hour of your time on a good road and it takes you somewhere completely different.
2008, Chevy, Cobalt, SS, the, Track, Chevrolet, General, Motors, car, auto, motor, Edmunds, Inside, Line