132296/1966 Chevy Chevelle 300


Sometimes, simple is good. This 1966 Chevelle 300 2-door sedan is proof enough of that. Without any flashy graphics, body modifications, and a brilliant Hugger Orange paint job, it stands out not because of what's there, but because of what's not. Of course, to pull off a great car like this one, everything you do has to be flawless, from the bodywork to the powertrain to the interior, because there's nowhere for shoddy workmanship to hide with this one. It's beautiful in photos, but in person, it's flat-out astounding.


1966, 66, '66, chevrolet, chevy, chevelle, 300, chevelle300, classic cars, vintage cars, muscle cars, high, performance, high-performance, rkmotorscharlotte, rkmotors, rk motors charlotte, mod, modified, custom

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