L'Italiano (Lasciatemi Cantare) + English subtitles


Italian song with English subtitles. Notes: [1] Spaghetti al dente means Spaghetti not very cooked; in Italy it is a long standing issue the problem of how long to cook spaghetti. In the south it is preferred to boil them not very much, while in the north they are boiled for a lot of time (spaghetti scotti). [2] In the 80's the president of the Italian Republic was Sandro Pertini; he was a partisan against the fascism during the Second World War. [3] In the nouveau riche Italy of the 80's the car radio was a status symbol. [4] It is well known that Italy is the country of saints, poets, and sailormans... [5] The first of a series of verses full of political criticism: after the Second World War the Italian culture was invaded by the American myth, il mito Americano. [6] There are two different meanings of this verse. The first one is related to a social analysis: in the modern Italy the number of nuns decreased due to secularization of the society. The second one is moral: women of our times forgot the holy principles of the ancient society; note that in Italy is usual to call suora, nun, a girl that doesn't go with a man if he doesn't have serious intentions (marriage). [7] Maria is la Madonna, the mother of Christ. [8] This is the key of the interpretation of the text. The Author, with eyes full of melancholy for seeing Italy in so bad conditions, is frightened of God having forgot him. [9] Gessato is an elegant suit. [10] Moviola is the replay of the relevant moments <b>...</b>


Lasciate, Mi, Cantare, l'italiano, Toto, Cutugno, Italian, song, English, subtitle, festival, de, San, Remo, 1983

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