ItalispeedTV - US specification Fiat 500 premiere at the LA Auto Show


Fiat is back on sale in the United States. The US-specification Fiat 500 made its official debut at the LA Auto Show yesterday as Chrysler Group announced its first 130 Fiat dealers and with the small car gearing up to go on sale at the end of the year. The pricing though is at the higher end of expectations, the range starting at US$15500, which will make the task of hitting the optimistic sales targets all the more demanding to achieve. "The Fiat 500 has always been the right car at the right time," believes Laura Soave, the recently-apppointed first Head of the Fiat brand in North America. "The new Fiat 500 brings something truly unique to a fast-growing segment in America, delivering Italian-by-design function, value and efficiency intelligently tailored for our market. "Like the original Cinquecento a half-century ago, the new Fiat 500 changes the rules of personal transportation and delivers a new sense of individual expression and opportunity. At a time when America is getting back to basics with a fresh awareness of the environment, the new Fiat 500 identifies with today's minimalistic attitude and delivers with state-of-the-art eco-friendly technology, and it is wrapped in world-class quality, craftsmanship and style," added Soave yesterday. The US specification 500 differs somewhat from the European version, both in its slightly clumsy external visual makeover at the front and rear as well as many of its details such as its improved suspension, bigger fuel tank <b>...</b>


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