FIAT REGATTA. TV AD circa 1985.
Hi there and thank you for checking my clip, I am looking for new subscribers to my Youtube Channel, so if you want some of the latest Movie and DVD Trailers or Free Podcasts of my UK FM Radio show "The Movies and Music Programme" please give me a click and subscribe, Thank You MovieMark. The Film Music DJ. "from the box of old tapes under the stairs" more lost classics from the early days of home taping. this next lot of finds we have to thank Adi's Mum for getting in the spirit and letting us have a sneak peak into her old betamax's from the garage...Thank you Adi's Mum..... THE HEIGHTS OF LUXURY FROM FIAT. REALLY CORNY OLD AD FEATURING THE VOICE OF SIR IAN HOLM AKA BILBO BAGGINS, ASH THE ANDROID SCIENCE OFFICER IN ALIEN.
Fiat, Regatta, commercial
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