Martin Willems' B20 on new pistons


Lancia Aurelia B21 overtaking Martin Willems' Aurelia B20 Coupe cruising at moderate speed on its way to Summerset Sliding Pillar Rally 2010 on brand new pistons along the A37 (NL). Martin is at the wheel driving his immaculate black 2500GT and the grinning idiot in the sedan is Francosporto himself ... filmed by Karin. We finally got on our way after an all night coolant job on the B20 and an incredible last minute zero brake pressure problem on the B21. At last spirits got high again at the resonance of both magnificent V6 motors.


Francosporto, Lancia B20, Aurelia B20, Gianni Lancia not Bankrupt, Lancia B20-543, 3valve head, V6 3valve engine, Lancia Aurelia B20, classic cars, Lancia, Aurelia, B20, B21, sliding pillar rally, Martin Willems, Lancia Classic Cars, SPR 2009, Lancia Aurelia, SPR 2010, 2500GT

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