2006 VW TOUAREG V10 DIESEL FLIPS OUT GETS 196 MPG VID 20110122 012653 MPG calculator fails
The sensor for the MPG calculation in my Touareg diesel goes nuts, especially beginning at 2:22, but it's bad throughout and gets worse as the video goes. Shows196mpg @ 3:43. Note the tach needle and speedo. I am NOT varying my speed, climbing mountains, or driving in neutral. It's just doing its haunted thing....or electrical/brain failure? Another fun thing, NOT, is when it decides to throw a lightbulb fault and RANDOMLY flash the headlights low and high at strangers--not good in the San Fernando Valley. NOTE RELAY CLICKING FROM 54 SEC. This happens with car on or off, randomly.
VID, 20110122, 012653, MPG, calculator, fails, VW, V10, Diesel, Touareg, 2006, electrical, failure, gauge, speedometer, odometer
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