Auto Styling Truckman - Fuel Efficiency (Economy) Test Toyota Hilux


Testing the fuel efficiency / economy of four different pickup covers: - Truckman ASX S-Series - Truckman AeroTop RS - Truckman Classic Top - EGR Soft Tonneau Ford Ranger Mk1, Mk2, Mk3, Mk4 Isuzu Rodeo Mk1, Mk2, Mk3 Mazda B2500 Mk3, Mk4 Mazda BT-50 Mk1, Mitsubishi L200 Mk3, Mk4, Mk5, Mk6 Nissan D22 Navara Mk1, Mk2 Nissan D40 Navara Mk1 Toyota Hilux Mk6


Auto, Styling, Truckman, Fuel, Efficiency, Economy, ASX, Hardtop, EGR, aerotop, Classic, 4x4, Pickup, Vehicle, Select, Features, Ranger, L200, Rodeo, B2500, BT-50, BT50, D22, D40, Navara, Hilux, Mk1, Mk2, Mk3, Mk4, Mk5, Mk6

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