Electric Nissan EXA street test drive.


"www.ferromit.com"; This video is the prove that tis car is really going on the small 65Kg Ni-Mh battery , you can see the battery under the hood and non stop video also you can see the performance of the car, and I would like you think what is going on when the leading car manufactures trying to introduce a new electric vehicle that cost astronomical amount of money and lacks any reasonable comfort, speed and performance they make us believe that this is maximum that can be achieved, and there is a bunch of highly educated engineers were contributing their time and knowledge,? at the same time a simple blocks in their garages are capable to build a normal size electric car that is not a plastic box with a ton of lead and 10km of range, but fast and comfortable electric vehicle with all the features of a normal gasoline car! The answer is they want us to believe that the electric car cannot be a reliable means of transport and want us to stick to the gasoline.


electric car, electric Nissan, cars electric, electric car battery

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