Jay Leno & 1928 Bugatti


"Tonight Show" host and comedy & automotive icon Jay Leno talks about his beautiful Bugatti, Murphy body designs and the automotive hobby. He also tells Lance Lambert, host of television's "Vintage Vehicle Show", why he doesn't like women that smoke cigarettes while they lean on his car. More information about the "Vintage Vehicle Show" can be found at www.vintagevehicletv.com


Lance Lambert, Jay Leno, Tonight Show, NBC, vintage vehicle, vehicles, comcast, www.vintagevehicletv.com, 1928 Bugatti, '28 Bugatti, 38A, art center, pasadena, 1934 Ford, '34 Ford, 1955 Chevrolet, '55 chevrolet, Conan, coco, Obrian. Obrien, O'brien

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