www.raymonddsweet.com The conversation all around the country is about school reform. Well, school reform is becoming a chic conversation just like the war against drugs. The difference is that Education has a clear body of research that details grade level standards, best practices and models. There are people who are paid to learn from great practices and there are people who are paid to come up with false statistics to prove what they are doing is or is not working. The Recovery School District has failed to employ any of these practices in low performing schools. Our children are being suspended and expelled out of these programs of school failure and thrown into the streets to continue into a world that continues to dismiss them as significant and contributing. Let me not speak too soon that you think I'm a fan of Orleans Parish School Board. I have not been here long enough to have first hand knowledge I only have the stats. They were dismal. That is why we have to as a community get a better handle of educating all of our schools. See what some did not and do not understand is your situation could be great this week, what if the principal changes or your situation changes or your kids situation changes. You have to figure out if the next school that fits in your lifestyle is going to be good. If you don't fight for all schools to be great then you bare the risk of your next school having issues. We must not be divided on the issue of local governance or control. If <b>...</b>