Tribute Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Rally Group B Total


Total Tribute the real rally.. The SuperCars rally of over 500 hp 4x4.. In 1984 85 and 86 the Rally has been divided into groups .. The Group B cars could participate was that the only limits produce 200 cars .. The cars and Pilots - Audi Quattro Sport S1 Walter Röhrl Stig Blomqvist Hannu Mikkola, Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Ari Vatanen Timo Salonen Bruno Saby, Lançia Delta S4 & Lançia Rally 037 Markku Alén Miki Biasion Henri Toivonen, MG Metro 6R4 Tony Pond, Renault 5 Maxi Turbo Joaquim Moutinho Jean Ragnotti, and Ford RS200 Kalle Grundel.. After several accidents that have caused several deaths these cars were banned.. These cars had both of fabulous as dangerous.. Os melhores momentos do Audi Quattro Sport S1 total Tributo.. 4 Ever Pure sound no music


Total, Tribute, Audi, Quattro, Sport, S1, Group, rally, Rali, Grupo, Lancia, delta, S4, Peugeot, 205, Turbo, 16, Ford, Rs200, Mg, Metro

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