12/13 Lucus at Brave New Books 1/27/2010: The Destroyer Star & The Future of Mankind


VISIT THE WEBSITE AT rabbithole2.com Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis, The Destroyer...It goes by many different names and the ancients spoke of it in their texts. PURCHASE THE DVD AT http According to some our planet is about to change and become something unfamiliar to us all. Some say that a massive star may be coming our way and it may have a profound effect on our planet. Has this happened before? Some say it has and is going to happen again. At this presentation at Brave New Books in Austin, Texas, Lucus presents indications of this coming destroyer star and connects it to the Denver New World Airport. nibiru planet x nemesis space destroyer spiral norway australia nemesis aliens ufo demon devil satan lucifer cosmic event comet asteroid black hole anomaly phaeton dark star deathstar brown dwarf pulsar radiation rays


Lucus, Brave, New, Books, Austin, Texas, January, 27, 2010, Rabbit, Hole, Destroyer, Star, Nibiru, Planet, Apocalypse, Global, Flood, Spiral, Ladder, Mountains, Goats, Baphomet, Norway, Elites, Sun, Moscow, UFO, Pyramid, Soundgarden

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