Archon Religious Freedom Conference: James J. Silk


"Turkey's Obligations under Treaties and Conventions" presented by James J. Silk, Clinical Professor of Law, Allard K. Lowenstein International, Human Rights Clinic and Executive Director, Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights, Yale Law School. == The two-day meeting, entitled, "Religious Freedom: Turkey's Bridge to the European Union," was held at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, November 16-17, 2010. The symposium brought together over thirty renowned scholars, religious freedom and human rights advocates, journalists, diplomats, parliamentarians, religious leaders, representatives of the Government of Turkey, lawyers and members of minority communities. They presented complex, diverse and contrasting viewpoints and perspectives on the status of religious freedom in Turkey to nearly two-hundred participants from across the United States, Turkey and Europe. The conference was sponsored by the Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America and the Pammakaristos Brotherhood of Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Europe, in cooperation with the Patriarchal Liaison Office of the Orthodox Church to the European Union. (Greek Orthodox Telecommunications, Inc.)


religious freedom, patriarchate, orthodox, orthodoxy, christian, istanbul, turkey, greek, russian, archons, order saint andrew

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