Win All Day Pk Vid 2 Void Turmoil Pure 3rd-Age Vesta Zuriels Ags Claws Pking


^Thumbs up. And leave a comment! Join My Clan Chat in game: Win All Day ~ SUBSCRIBE! Edited By I Am 3p1c Stats in Vid: 78-81 Attack, 40-42 Defence, 90-95 Strength Ignore: new runescape pvp High crater low crater medium crater The Giant Ice Giant armadyl godsword pk bandos defil3d youbleedred saradomin runescape bs bh pking bounty hunter pking bountyhunter bs bh rs runescape jagex ltd upload videos p hat purple hat clan purple hats bh clans runescape di rs elvemage kids ranqe Taco Limey Bonesaw pk bonesaw--pk nightmarerh final ownage elite signupforko 1itemdbow wooox16 Win All Day Pk Video Vid 2 foe Icontr0lzI IcontrolzI Sparc Mac1 Ninja Turtle Arcane stream neckalce rapier chaotic maul chaotic longsword ggggllo fire cape Elysian Divine Spirit shield cls vls staff of light zuriels staff merchanting merch Huge Risking Risk Risks soz owned defil3d elf mage pka i ayzee i joshinator48 eazy e369 runescape rs rs i ayzee i wildy owns1 spanjol 91 rs elvewatford runescape pking p2p f2p member bh bounty hunter team cape rs jagex new runescape pvp range of ish pk vid 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 20 18 19 jagex rs 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 85 70 magic mage str strength ranging range magic hp hitpoints josh rs max andrew goner rune wildyowns1 tupac ignore this rs dis jagex songs music rock rap hiphop bs bh bounty hunter pking bh pking runescape wild gone wildy gone never coming back jagex dueling vid range of ish dueling vid new runescape pvp i vmser <b>...</b>


Win, All, Day, Pk, Vid, Armadyl, Godsword, AGS, Claws, Vesta's, Longsword, Third-Age, Mage, 3rd, Age, pking

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