My Sister's New Ride: 2002 Land Rover Freelander SE!


Allow me to introduce to you, my sister's new-ish 2002 Land Rover Freelander SE. This is what my sister has bought herself as her first car for just over $5000. Believe me, it looked a lot worse than this when she bought it. I had to do some extensive detailing work to it, to make it look as good as it does now. It's dirty in the video because of recent rains and because she drives it so much! These mini SUVs get quite the bad rap nowadays due to so many of them losing engines (mainly due to head gaskets) left and right, but so far at 96K miles, my sister's Freelander is doing fabulous! Enjoy the video everyone!


2002, Land, Rover, Freelander, SE, Start, Up, Tour, Colleyville, TX, 2.5L, V6, SUV

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