Car brands
Chevrolet Opala, a charismatic brazilian car
This is a tribute made by me, about the Chevrolet Opala. A huge success, sold by 25 years! The Opala made its debut in 1968 and it was replaced by the Chevrolet Omega in 1992.
Chevrolet, Chevy, GM, GMB, Opala, Caravan, SS, 4100, 4.1, Stock, car, Brasil, Brazil, carro, carros, cars, coche, coches, auto, voiture, 車Diplomata, Comodoro, charismatic, carismático, automotiva, Opalão, Opel, Rekord, manufacturer, other, countries, success, Vauxhall, brazilian, grande, brasileiro, sucesso, FR, history, historico, blockbuster, história, historia
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