mm2 遊車河 (520) 韓國 起亞 기아자동차 Kia Forte Koup in Korea V2.0 City


기아자동차주식회사(起亞自動車株式會社, Kia Motors)는대한민국의자동차회사이다. 起亞汽車(Kia Motors)是現代起亞汽車集團的子公司,也是韓國第二大汽車製造商,總部位於首爾。 起亞成立於1944年,是韓國歷史最悠久的汽車公司,原本是由製造鋼管和自行車起家。1952年,起亞開始生產摩托車、卡車和房車。七、八十年代,起亞受惠於亞洲經濟起飛,規模不斷擴大,並於1986年開始衝出海外。1992年起亞進軍美國市場,短短數年在美國各地已都有其代理商出售起亞汽車。 然而亞洲金融風暴爆發波及韓國,起亞在1997年破產,導致起亞51%股權被轉手到其國內對手──現代汽車。後來現代公司重組,目前現代汽車公司已擁有起亞40%股權。 [編輯]主要車型霸銳Borrego (大型SUV) 歐菲萊斯Opirus 佳樂Carens 索蘭托Sorento (中大型SUV) 歐迪瑪Optima (中型家庭房車) 帝國Imperial 首都Capital 獅跑Sportage (小型SUV) 克利多斯Credos 普萊特Pride 銳歐Rio (小型五人車) The Kia Forte Koup is a compact coupe and the first coupe from Kia Motors in America, that was unveiled in production form at the 2009 New York International Auto Show. The car was originally unveiled as a concept car as the Kia Koup on 20 March 2008 at the New York International Auto Show.[2][3] The Forte Koup is badged as the Kia Cerato Koup in Australia and New Zealand, called the Kia Shuma in China, and Kia Koup in Chile. Kia has stated that the Forte Koup would be aimed at driving enthusiasts. The concept sports a twin screw turbocharged version of the 2.0 liter Theta II four cylinder engine. The production version omitted the turbocharger. With direct injection, the normally aspirated <b>...</b>


mm2, 기아자동차, 遊車河, 韓國, 起亞, Kia, Fort, Koup, in, Korea, V2, City, midtown, madness, 브리사, 피아트, 132, 푸조, 604, 비스토, 모닝, 프라이드, 아벨라, 리오, 세피아, 슈마, 스펙트라, 쎄라토, 포르테, 쏘울, 콩코드, 캐피탈, 엘란, 크레도스, 파크타운, 옵티마, 포텐샤, 엔터프라이즈, 오피러스, 머큐리, 세이블, 씨드, 로체, K5, K7, K3(예정), K9(예정

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