Green Party local election broadcast 2011 - "No Joke"


Green Party Leader Caroline Lucas delivers a 90-second pitch to an unsuspecting audience at a comedy night to highlight how critical the local elections are on the 5th of May. We need to limit the damage of the cuts faced by local government and to vote for a party of genuine opposition. The alternative, if the other parties are allowed to get their way, would mean a seriously unfunny situation in Britain. We don't have the power of big money to help spread this message, we only have the power of you. And you can really help. Please share this election broadcast with your Facebook friends.


no joke, broadcast, green party, vote, elections, may, 5th, government, comedy, standup, stand-up, Caroline Lucas, Brighton, Norwich, Lancaster, Sheffield, Kirklees, Bristol, Leeds, Cambridge, local election, election broadcast, joke

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