300 special video - TOS2 Revenge Mania against Lloyd Level 75 vs Emil Level 4
Watch in High Quality when available ! Hey this is Misty and this video is me Vendetta against Lloyd. Nobody kicks my ass and get away without any problems. So i decided to go and avenge myself. Contrairely to all my other video, this one is commentless. So i didnt put any comments, but there is in my actual games walkthrough. Go give it a glance. Also subscribe and comments ^^ Lloyd the great - Level 75 Difficulty level - Mania Emil - Level 4 (lowest level possible with Exp X2) Items - on Monsters - 2 Every one alive at the end of the battle. Emil finish this with a unison attack for more cool points. How to win this battle easy : Make sure you stay far away from lloyd all the time. Or if you're bold like me, go give a few combo without dying Have lots of life bottle and make sure at least Emil and Marta always stays alive. (you're monsters too if you wanna have damage done. But make sure you never get hit by lloyd moves. 1hit KO otherwise. a few gels can be useful too.
Game, event, kill, revenge, against, impossible, fight, hard, unknown, lloyd, die, dead, death, demon, knight, ratatosk, emil, marta, monsters, tales, of, symphonia, two, dawn, the, new, world, level, four, lvl, 75, mania
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