30777 / 43013 / 66150 / 60096 passing Cholsey 23-04-10.
Friday 23rd April at Cholsey -------------------------------------------------------- 30777 running 30453 "King Arther" heads west on the: 1Z97 0845 Victoria to Stratford upon Avon "The Cathedrals Express" -------------------------------------------------------- 43013 + New Measurement Train+ 43062 head west on the: 1Z23 1330 Paddington to Derby RTC -------------------------------------------------------- 66150 heads east with 'The BLue Sausage' on the: 4L40 1642 Morris Cowley to Purfleet -------------------------------------------------------- 60096 heads east with rails on the: 6X15 0945 Scunthorpe Trent Yard to Eastleigh Yard --------------------------------------------------------
30777, 30453, 43013, 66150, 60096, Cholsey, The, Cathedrals, Exress, NMT, New, Meausrement, Train, Network, Rail, Tug, HST, MTU
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