Free energy! Super-economical water pump!


We are offering a super-economical pomp, which functions without electricity and fuel. The given installation is invented in Moldova by the author Leonid Popusoi. By an amateur camera it has been filmed the functioning of the experimental variant. The installation works due to rivers current power. The flowing cylinder with blades is fastened to coast. The cylinder during rotation is transmitting the energy of river through a cardan joint to the mechanical pomp. The mechanical pomp is pumping water from river under a pressure of 2, 4, 6 atmospheres, depending on need. The given installation supplies excellently with water the capillary irrigational systems for watering fields. Our pomp is ecological safe, because it doesnt need electrical energy and fuel. The interested in such an installation can address by e-mail:


super-economical, pump, water, ecology, alternative, energy, instalation, moldova, river, irrigation, free

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