B5 Audi S4 biturbo Stage III 0-60 mph (100 km/h) in less than 4 seconds (AWD Launch/Burnout)...
0-60 mph in the 3's!!! A 4000 RPM AWD launch in my VAST tuned Audi S4... Top of 2nd gear is 66 mph or 106 km/h. The car is launched at 4000 RPM and leaves with a nice AWD burnout.
Audi, S4, B5, Biturbo, Launch, Burnout, STI, Evo, AWD, Fast, Clutch, Drop, Civic, Honda, Corvette, Mustang, Drag, Nogaro, Stage, III, K04, K16, RS6, Smoke, VAST, RS4, Borla, Piggie, Pipes, quattro, JHM, V8, B6, B7, racing, graphics software, hacking, cars, software, B8
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