Bring Your Own [Container]
| Ceative Commons, by: Barefoot Bob, no commercial use, apply same license | Song for the 'Olelo TV (Hawaii) Public Announcement to reduce polluting behavior on air: Saturday, June 5, Channel 56, between 10:30 PM -- Midnight. Monday, June 7, Channel 52, between 5:30-7:00 PM Wednesday, June 9, Channel 53, between 4:30-6:00 PM. BRING YOUR OWN (4/28/10) [I:GDEmCD] [G] The TUrtle, seal, and ALbatross // [D] -- DOn't want YOu / to EAt and TOss [Em] Your WAste 'cause it won't STAy [D] in that one PLAce -- it moves aCRoss [G] The SEwers to the OCeans ANd -- [D] it FLOats & sinks in PAtches THere [Em] & GEts inSIde /the FIsh that we/ inGEst [1/2-3/4-5/6-7/8-9] [D] but can't /diGEst (so, maybe,/ IF YOU CARE)[1-2/3-4/1-2-3/1/2/3] [GD][Bring your own]: ("/bring it from home) [EmF] If we just say NO -- to their StyroFOam [CAm] You & me / can HElp there be [D] less PLAstic be'n' disPOsed (so bring your own) [G] In your car or on your BIke -- [D] when YOu-go WAlk or take a HIke -- [Em] Take along a PLate or bowl -- [D] a CUp, a fork, and KNIfe [G] The ground the water and the AIr -- [D] will thank you for your TUPperware -- [Em] that you reuse /to help reduce/ [D] the plastic going/ down the tube (so/ IF YOU CARE) [GD] [Bring your own]: ("/ bring it from home) [EmF] No used styroFOam -- (or plastic) needs to be disPOsed [CAmD] It's not hard to DO / if YOU / just say no (& BYO) [Bm] HAve 'em REady by the DOor, [C] so when you leave you GRAb it [Am] TRy it for a WEek & You'RE [D] En <b>...</b>
environment, songwriting, 'olelo, TV, bring, your, own, singing
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