5a FUNDAMENTAL GUITAR SKILLS: Learn Standard Music Notation


Thislesson covers pages 48, 49, 52, 54, 55 in "The Guitar Lesson Companion" FREE sample from, "The Guitar Lesson Companion" at: www.leadcatpress.com ♫ Susan Palmer's Special Topic Guitar Lesson Playlist: www.youtube.com ♫ Susan Palmer's 19 Video Lessons for "The Guitar Lesson Companion" Playlist: www.youtube.com Susan Palmer taught "The Rock Project" at Cornish College of the Arts, she is the guitar instructor at Seattle University and she is the author of "The Guitar Lesson Companion." Susan has spent the past 10 years teaching adults and kids how to play the guitar and many of her students are now actively performing in the Northwest. Her book has been adopted by teachers and students in over 10 countries, including by a professor at Berklee School of Music. ♫ Take guitar lessons with Susan Palmer: leadcatpress.com ♫ Learn About "The Guitar Lesson Companion": leadcatpress.com ♫ Susan Palmer's Blog: guitaristsusanpalmer.blogspot.com ♫ Order Your Copy of, "The Guitar Lesson Companion" at: leadcatpress.com


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