Financial Management, Work Force, and Operations at the SEC: Who's Watching Wall Street's Watchdog?
Financial Management, Work Force, and Operations at the SEC: Who's Watching Wall Street's Watchdog? - House Oversight Committee - 2011-03-10 - House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services and Bailouts of Public and Private Programs. Joint Hearing with the Subcommittee on Government Organization, Efficiency, and Financial Management. Witnesses: The Hon. Mary Schapiro, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission; Jeffrey Risinger, Director of Human Resources, Securities and Exchange Commission; Jonathan (Jack) Katz, Former Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission; Helen Chaitman, Esq., Becker and Poliakoff, PA; Stephen Crimmins, Partner, K and L Gates LLP, Former Senior Officer, Enforcement Division, Securities and Exchange Commission.
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