NSU Ro 80 Ro80 Wankelspider Wankel Spider scale models
Some NSU Ro 80 & NSU Wankelspider scale models. Manufacturers like Dinky Toys, Clé, Minichamps, Corgi, Husky, K&R, Eko, Jet, Norev, Jean, Märklin, Mattel, Revell, Crown, N-Models, Alezan, Buby, Jacques, Mebetoys, Gama, Scarlet Band, NP, Wiking, Gama, Sablon, Yonezawa, Nacoral, Tekno. The smash? After switching on the Revell engine some Wiking Models decided to leave the display-cabinet...
NSU, Wankel, Ro, 80, Ro80, Wankelspider
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