Our Mozart in Provence!
This is one of a series of videos we have shot of Mozart playing violin in key places around the world that we are doing to commemorate our special world tour. We are in the process of editing a compilation of all that we have taken thus far, but thought we would show one since some have been asking for them. Now that the first one is up, some wanted to hear her actually playing & we will record more soon for our records. This is in Provence, France just days after Mozart's sixth birthday at the world heritage site of Pont du Gard, the highest Roman aqueduct ever built. She is playing "Perpetual Motion" on her third violin which is a 1/16 size. It is a sophisticated piece for someone to learn at early 5 like she did, but she is not a prodigy nor are our videos meant to promote her talents. It is part of recording and sharing our adventure with family, friends and readers. We are doing these on the move so the sound and conditions are not the best, nor is it her best playing. This is not a performance, but just a young kid doing a quick practice while touring, in the midst of gathering crowds taking pictures behind us. She an exuberantly joyful child, but she needs to concentrate when playing, especially under these circumstances, so tends to look serious in these videos. Getting these videos in famous places turned out to be trickier than we imagined, but we are still very glad that we have done them & get better as we go. This is one of the earlier ones. To those who <b>...</b>
Soultravelers3, travel, Mozart, Pont, du, gard, violin, family, around-the-world, France
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