143+MPH Jaguar 6.0L XJS-V12 Sportspack edition Convertible
1994 Jaguar XJS V12 Convertible 2+2 with 6.0L and 4 Speed Automatic cruisning along a new two lane black top and then accelerating to just over 142+ MPH. The 6.0 litre V12 Cat still had plenty of power left in her (I've had her to 165) left in her too but our nice abandoned road was running out. The video is a little dark but it was taken at night, actually the original is actually very well lit (full moon night) and you can clearly see all of the details of the cars interior, the road, and all of the surroundings. It didn't get dark until after it was uploaded to YouTube. I'm afraid I don't know how to edit them to lighten videos back up. My cousin is addicited to my Sony DVD camcorder and sometimes gets in the back seat just shoot over my shoulder.
Jaguar, XJS, V12, 6.0L, Convertible, jaguarsport, Sportspack
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