classic vw beetle commercial
Description Again a great vw beetle commercial telling us about de greatest car ever built! This 1974 beetle commercial is made with the same background music as the american commercial nr. 26. This is a 1974 VW mexican TV commercial, first aired on November 1973 (it starts wishing a happy new year!), featuring the new 1600cc. engine, new wider seats, a smaller stickshift, larger tailights and turn signals, this add was only made for Mexico and not Southamerica. Domestic mexican beetles were not exported at that time. changes on mexican Beetles were one year behind or two of those of the German beetles back then. From theDVD 'Legend on wheels'. Wanna have this DVD packed with 2 hours of high quality digitally remastered old vw commercials? The DVD really brings you back to the '60s and '70s. Send an email to
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