Game Setup: GTA IV v1.0.4.0 ENB Series Copyright (c) 2010 by Vorontsov Boris (ENB developer) ENB settings for version 0.79 SORA by Fonia5 (v1.1) LINK: Sharpen Filter By DKT10+EnB(P1ch3 Settings) Link: RealizmIV v6.2 Link: Better City Textures 2.0 Link: Trees MOD IV 1.1 Link: VISUAL MOD 1.5.2 Link: Car mod by Giorgio91 & FunGt specs: original resolution: 1280x720 60hz QuadCore Intel Core 2833 MHz RAMPAGE Formula 4x Corsair 1G DDR2 XMS2-6400 ATI Radeon Sapphire 5870 1Gb Programs used: Gta iv Fraps Disclaimer: Those mods dont belong to me i just used them for the video purposes. Track is Foo Fighters - Pretender its copyrights dont belong to me. (fraps causes frames cant do anything except change my os from 64 to 32bit)