York Raceway 2011 - Mitsubishi GTO (MR) vs BMW M3 (E46) SMG II
Short video of me and my mate having a race at York Raceway (24/04/2011), a first for both of us and an awesome day. This is our 3rd race of the day after 2 terrible starts by myself, the AWD of the GTO and a great drive by my mate gave him a win by 0.0429 seconds (gutted). Before all the wankers start with the "SMG you pussy" comments, this is the first auto I've owned and I've been driving for 17 years (legally). I do 90 miles a day 5 times a week with a lot of that in traffic so to have the option of auto is kewl and having the paddles on the lanes gives all the fun if not more than a manual.
BMW, M3, E46, Mitsubishi, SMG2, SMG, II, GTO, MR, 3000GT, VR-4, Stealth, York, Raceway, Drag, Race, 2011