Gran Turismo 5 - 400kph - Audi Le Mans Quattro Top Speed


I set myself a challenge of getting this car to 400, as I was tired of always seeing the Bugatti whenever I looked for 400 kph videos...It took a little while but I got there in the end... I didn't make this as a show off or as a challenge to people, I'm sure you can go faster with this car, if there is a way I'd be happy to watch some videos on how to do it, this was my own personal challenge and I'm happy with it...


Gran, Turismo, GT5, Top, Speed, Audi, Le, Mans, Quattro, 03, 2003, 400, kph, kmh, 248, mph, 111, Meters, per, second, Trophy, metres, Special, Stage, Route, Test, Max, Highest, Fastest

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