Opel Vectra B Caravan 1,6 0-100 kmph in 12,5 seconds
Opel Vectra B Caravan 2000, 1350 kg, manual 5 gears, 1,6 101 HP 0-100 kmph (0-60 mph)in 12,5 seconds. A little lazy, I may say. Engine sounds ok at high revs and gentle or rather quiet at low revs. Fuel injection stops at 6500 rpm. Stability is ok, not too sporty but comfortable, a little oversteering comes into action when forcing too much (kinda´ wobbly sometimes, I might say) but it remains controlable. A minus is the gear box lever, that is long and a little imprecise. I find the braking pedal too hard to push, wich is kinda´ frustrating, but when you get used to it, it is OK.
Opel, Vectra, 0-100, acceleration, sprint, 0-60, race, racing