0-100km/h (0-60mph) Acceleration vol.51


Honda CBR1000RR ↓ Suzuki ALTO-WORKS RS-Z ('96) with intake and exhasut tuning ↓ Suzuki SV400S ↓ Suzuki SV1000S (domestic-spec '03) with exhasut tuning ↓ Yamaha RZ50 (5R2) with intake and exhasut tuning ↓ Yamaha JOG-APRIO (4PJ) with exhasut and drivetrain tuning ↓ Nissan RASHEEN TypeII ↓ Chevrolet TRAIL-BLAZER (GH-T360 '02) ↓ Suzuki RA125 ↓ Suzuki SV1000S (K5 domestic-spec) with ECU and intake tuning お前のバイクはどのクラスの四輪と同じ加速? produced by 2channel


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